Friday, June 19, 2009
CALL FOR POETRY THEMED ART - September 18, 2009
DREAM DEFERRED. Call for Proposals. Purdue University Galleries (West Lafayette, Indiana) is currently reviewing proposals for an exhibition of contemporary art relating to the Langston Hughes poem "A Dream Deferred" and contemporary socioeconomic challenges facing minorities in the United States. The exhibition will be presented in the Stewart Center Gallery from January 11 through February 21, 2010 in conjunction with a presentation of "A Raisin in the Sun" at Civic Theatre of Greater Lafayette. Work must be available to be exhibited at that time. There is no entry fee. All media are eligible, including new and emerging technologies. Exhibit will be curated from submissions and may feature a single artist or group of artists.
Applicants should send cover letter describing proposed exhibit and estimated expenses, examples of current work (up to 20 jpegs on CD or DVD for time-based media - no slides), resume, artist statement, and SASE to:
Craig Martin
Purdue University Galleries
Yue-Kong Pao Hall of Visual & Performing Arts
552 West Wood St
West Lafayette IN 47907-2002
Applicants should send cover letter describing proposed exhibit and estimated expenses, examples of current work (up to 20 jpegs on CD or DVD for time-based media - no slides), resume, artist statement, and SASE to:
Craig Martin
Purdue University Galleries
Yue-Kong Pao Hall of Visual & Performing Arts
552 West Wood St
West Lafayette IN 47907-2002
Click HERE to view the PREMIUM Art Deadlines List.