Sunday, August 30, 2009
CALL FOR "THAT'S SO GAY!" ART - September 10, 2009
A Juried exhibition that is a queer, comical response to the economic downturn in San Jose and the South Bay-Show runs Sept. 17th-26th, 2009. "That's So Gay" is both a funny and cutting response to the dire straits that individuals and organizations are experiencing in the current recession. The show is a humorous-light-hearted- comic look at survival in tough times. Laughter brings together community and community creates
sustainability. Entry fee.
Mail or drop off or information:
WORKS/San Jose
451 South First St
San Jose CA 95113
sustainability. Entry fee.
Mail or drop off or information:
WORKS/San Jose
451 South First St
San Jose CA 95113
Click HERE to view the PREMIUM Art Deadlines List.