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Monday, February 01, 2010

CALL FOR 21st CENTURY SKIING ART - March 1, 2010

This is a juried exhibition for Rocky Mountain artists, March 15-April 15, 2010. This exhibition asks: "What kind of art does skiing and snowboarding inspire in the 21st century?" Art must be an original painting in any media which presents a vision of skiing and snowboarding in the 21st century. Thirty pieces will be selected for the show and a panel of three jurors will award the top three prizes: 1st - $300; 2nd - $150; 3rd - $100. Artist may present up to three (3) pieces for consideration. All pieces selected for the show will be displayed at the Columbine Gallery from March 15 - April 15. All pieces must be available for purchase and artist will be paid 60% of the retail price for any work sold. Entry fee.

Artists may enter here:

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